Student-Advisor Matching and Ph.D. Job Market Outcomes

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



First Advisor

Qi Ge


In the job market for economics Ph.D. graduates, firms rely on students' curriculum vitaes, job market paper, and advisors' reference letters to predict applicants' productivity and make hiring decisions. Advisors play an important role during students' graduate studies. Since the similarity and attraction hypothesis suggests that similarities lead to close relationships, this study explores the impact of gender match and region match between students and advisors on East Asian students' initial placement. After examining economics Ph.D. graduates' curriculum vitaes in the 2016-2017 job market, this study finds that East Asian students working with advisors from the same region obtains academic positions at intuitions which are more productive in research, but the gender match does not have any significant impact on students' initial placement.

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