"El mar de la Negritud y lo queer a través de la literatura de Yolanda " by Yasmin Nicole Richards

Date of Award

Fall 2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

Oscar Perez Hernandez


This thesis explores the complicated relationships between race, sexuality, gender identity, and colonialism among Afro-descendants in Puerto Rico in particular and Latin American and Latinx communities in general. It takes as its starting point the analysis of two works by Afro-Puerto Rican author Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro: TRANScaribeñx and TodesNosotres. It argues that these works empower marginalized Black Latinx LGBTQ+ individuals by giving them a voice and defy preconceptions about identities at the intersection of Black, Latinx, and queer cultures.
