Most Recent Additions*
Renia’s Diary: Book Talk and Signing
Elizabeth Bellak (panelist), Alexandra Bellak (panelist), and Marta Brunner (moderator)
The Powerful Union of Emily Dickinson and Aaron Copland: Creation of Musical Silence through Transcendent Negation
Jessica Byers
To Be Still: Poetry Portfolio
Leo Balaban
Other Bodies and Their Other Worlds: Reimagining the Victorian Femme Fatale
Tess LaMontagne Gordon
The Collective
Skye Thomson
Open Letters & Impersonal Forms: Diaries, Letters, and Self-Disclosure in Rilke’s Prose
Abigail Svetlik
Synthesis of an anti-lysozyme antibody tagged with gold or silver nanoparticle for faster western blot
Harunobu Kato
Good Girls Don't
Tess Fresco
The World Ends One Last Time
Winter Qiu
Weihnachten in Industrialized America: Christmas and the Making of German-American identity in Philadelphia, 1880-1920
Chloe Hanrahan
Assessing the Impact of Tourism on Housing Price Dynamics: Evidence from Hawaii Highlighting Directional Causality and Vacation Rentals
Micaiah Ocalvey
Photosensitized oxidation of fatty acids on complex environmental interfaces: the effect of pH and speciation of molecular photosensitizer
Elizabeth Scholer
A Gender-Based UFC Demand Analysis
Nolen Michael
*Updated as of 03/30/25.