Date of Award

Fall 12-4-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



First Advisor

Professor Caterine Berheide

Second Advisor

Professor Mason Stokes


In Western media, drugs, alcohol, and casual sex are widely regarded as essential facets of the college experience. It is not only accepted but expected that students will experiment with drugs and explore their sexuality throughout their undergraduate careers. Students who come from religious backgrounds that position such behaviors as against their fundamental beliefs are put in a tricky predicament. How do they participate in behaviors that go directly against their religious ideals? In the current study, I explore the questions “do drug and alcohol use affect college students’ enjoyment of a hookup, and how strong of a role does religiosity play in this relationship?” Using the Online College Social Life Survey from the years 2005-2011 (N=24131), the current study examines the effects that drugs, alcohol, Christianity, and religious attendance have on hookup enjoyment while controlling for race, sexual orientation, and gender. The study finds that when alcohol is involved, students who attend religious services frequently report higher levels of hookup enjoyment than those who attend religious services infrequently. Additionally, the findings show that drug use has no significant effect on hookup enjoyment in religious and non-religious college students, and religious attendance-- but not Christianity--has a significant negative affect on hookup enjoyment. The results of the study lead to further inquiries regarding the ways in which particular religions may affect hookup enjoyment and other passages for further research.

Included in

Sociology Commons
